An average human loses about 200 head hair per day. The most valuable hair clippings sold at auction are a mass of dark black ...

An average human loses about 200 head hair per day. The most valuable hair clippings sold at auction are a mass of dark black ...
More than 50% of the people in the world have never made or received a telephone call. About telephones read more at:-
The global average efficiency of vehicle is 5 km to a litre ; Japan and Western Europe manage an average of up to 11 km.
In Alaska, it is legal to shoot bears. However, waking a sleeping bear for the purpose of taking a photograph is prohibited.
Only human beings sleep on their backs. Getting a good night's sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your over...
Table clothes were originally meant to be used as towels with which dinner guest could wipe their hands and faces after eating.
Your stomach produces up to 2 litres of hydrochloric acid a day! The stomach is a J-shaped sack that can expand to hold about hal...
At least 30% of adults snore. Snoring is a common problem that keeps many people from getting a restful night's sleep. People ...
There’s enough carbon in your body to fill 9000 pencils, enough fat to make 75 candles, enough phosphorus to make 220 match heads and enou...
By the time you finish this sentence 50000 of the cells in your body will die and be replaced with new cells! read more at:- htt...
Not even one year old, Henry VI became king of England. Henry of Windsor was born December 6, 1421 as the...
Your sneezes can travel at 160 km/h as fast as a train! read more at:-
The French king, Louis XIV owned a collection of 413 beds in several places all over France, so that he could sleep on his own bed, no m...
The Sunday edition of the New York times for 14 September 1987 contained 1612 pages and contained 5.4 kg. September is one of the mos...
The Eiffel tower contains 18,038 pieces of steel connected by 2.5 million rivets! One of the most prominent icons of France is th...
Istanbul is the only city in the world that is located on two continents.
If you were to shave a tiger’s fur its skin would still have stripes!
Tiger move both legs on one side of the body almost simultaneously when they walk.
A tiger tail can be up to one third of its total body length.
Adult tiger have thirty teeth! rejoice, adult human have 32!
1470 The first printed poster is published by Peter Schoeffer! it's an advert...
The tail gives the tiger extra balance when running and is also used to communicate to other tigers.
Over the course of her life, a female tiger will give birth to approximately equal number of male and female.
A tiger cub can gain 100 grams in weight per day.
Tigers are excellent swimmer and can swim up to 6.5 kilometres at a stretch.
In 1972 the tiger was declared the national animal of India
All tigers have a similar marking on their forehead, which resembles the Chinese symbol “wand”, meaning “king”.